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Startseite » Archiv » Bad Schandau » 05.07.2014 – [micro:form]

05.07.2014 – [micro:form]

05.07.2014 | 21:00 Uhr – Mitternacht
Toskana Therme Bad Schandau

welcome to my ASCII – dream


Damit das warten auf den nächsten Club nicht sooo lang dauert, haben wir hier das aktuelle Mixtape von [micro:form] für euch!
lost & found – series continues! an excerpt of the vinyl – set played by the LSClub Resident [micro:form] at the 2010´er LSFestival is now restaurated, denoised and remastered (sorry for the defected DI-box), and ready for the historical journey with passengers like tangerine dream, la düsseldorf, roedelius, cluster, brian eno, steve hillage, and last but not least: mrs. laurie anderson.. the lenght of the mix: tape-recording friendly (plz use C-90, cro2/metal position tapes only! 🙂
listen to the first part here: [micro:form] – kraut sounds, bubble minds (LSC-set)
plz check for more music stuff created by alias [micro:form] …

Kraut sounds, bubble minds vol.2 by [micro:form] by Liquid Sound Club on Mixcloud